Reserve Educational Assistance Program


The Reserve Educational Assistance Program (收获/Chapter 1607) is an education benefit for Selected Reserve and Individual Ready Reserve members ordered to active duty by the 总统 for a contingency operation or national emergency.

Important change in 收获 eligibility: The National Defense Authorization Act of 2016 ended 收获 on November 25, 2015. Some individuals will remain eligible for 收获 好处 until November 25, 2019 while others are no longer eligible for 收获 好处. 学生 who are no longer eligible for 收获 may be eligible to receive 好处 under the 9/11后的退伍军人法案. For details, visit 收获.

Enrollment Certification

学生 currently receiving this benefit must certify enrollment.

Report Change in Major/Program

学生 must report a change in major or program by contacting the Office of Registration and Records at (812) 237-2020. Failure to report a change in major or program may result in delay or loss of payment of educational 好处.


For information, assistance—or to schedule an appointment, contact:

退伍军人 服务 Coordinator
Indiana State University
Welcome Center, room 118
318 North Sixth Street
Terre Haute, Indiana
1 - 800 -去- isu

To help us serve you better, please indicate that you are interested in assistance with veterans 好处 when you contact our office.

退伍军人权利法》® is a registered trademark of the U.S. 部门 of 退伍军人 Affairs (VA). More information about education 好处 offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at www.好处 / gibill.