
Learn more about the search for the 13th President of bc菠菜导航.

bc菠菜导航 was founded in 1865 and, 从一开始, has proudly upheld its prestigious reputation as the State of Indiana’s school. Located in the heart of Terre Haute, Indiana State houses students from 49 states and 70 countries. Indiana State is committed to providing students with an affordable education and the guarantee to graduate in four years with the Indiana State Advantage. The University is a talent development pipeline to several in-demand State and national career fields and offers over 100 undergraduate programs, 30多个研究生项目, 还有几个博士项目.

Indiana State is nationally recognized as one of the best higher education institutions in the country by several publications.

As one of the largest employers in Terre Haute, bc菠菜导航 is a proud community partner of the Wabash Valley through several initiatives, 包括社区服务, and by helping proactively tackle issues in the area, such as addressing the lack of childcare availability in West Central Indiana.



The bc菠菜导航 校董会 has appointed a search committee comprised of individuals broadly representing the Indiana State community. Additionally, an executive search firm – WittKieffer – has been hired to help support the work of the search committee in the recruitment of candidates and facilitation of the search.

The search committee and WittKieffer representatives have conducted listening sessions with university stakeholders to gather input on desired qualifications and qualities of the next President of bc菠菜导航, as well as opportunities and challenges facing Indiana State. This feedback has been important as the search committee has developed the leadership profile for the search, which outlines the expectations for the position.

WittKieffer and the search committee will actively recruit candidates over the next three months. A preferred deadline for applications is set for2024年2月7日.

The search committee will conduct initial interviews of candidates and move individuals forward to the 校董会 for consideration. The 校董会 is responsible for selecting and appointing the President. To attract the best candidates, candidate names will be kept confidential throughout the process.

The search committee will conduct initial interviews of candidates and identify finalists who will visit campus and engage with stakeholders. The search committee will provide feedback to the 校董会, who/which is responsible for selecting and appointing the President.


10月20日 – 校董会 Announces 搜索 Formation

11月7日 & 8 – Listening sessions with campus community

11月8日 – Presidential 搜索 committee formed

12月15日- 2月7日 ——招聘

2月7日 – Preferred application deadline

2024年春末 - 13 .公告th President of bc菠菜导航 

What are the requirements for the position?

Qualifications and qualities sought in the next President can be found in the leadership profile developed for this search. The leadership profile can be found at WittKieffer.com. 

Who is responsible for selecting the next President?

The search committee is charged with the initial vetting of candidates through the review of applications and initial interviews. The search committee will recommend candidates for the Board of Trustee’s consideration and the 校董会 is responsible for selecting and appointing the next President.

The search committee will conduct initial interviews of candidates and identify finalists. The search committee will provide feedback to the 校董会, who is responsible for selecting and appointing the President.


你可以在 遴选委员会 页面.

Who is WittKieffer and what is their role?

WittKieffer is one of the leading executive search firms in higher education, conducting more than 200 search assignments for colleges and universities each year. They will work closely with the search committee to recruit a highly qualified and diverse candidate pool for the committee's consideration.


Nominations and recommendations can be sent to WittKieffer and the search committee via email at IndSt-President@wittkieffer.com. Please include the institution or organization where the nominee is employed. 联系 information and comments are helpful but not required.