
咨询 has been a part of the ISU College of Education since 1968. 目前, the 咨询领域 of the 部门 of Applied Clinical and Educational Sciences offers an 18-hour 咨询 Minor for undergraduate students, 60小时的M.S. in Clinical Mental Health 咨询, and 60小时的M.Ed. in School 咨询. Current professionals in either field can also pursue a non-degree licensure-only track. Both master’s programs are accredited by the professional association Council for 认证 of 咨询 and Related Educational Programs (CACREP).



Develop counseling professionals to promote well-being, educate, and serve others.


The counseling area is a supportive and welcoming learning community committed to the preparation of competent entry and advanced level practitioners. Critical aspects of our programs are outreach and engagement within the broader community and experiential learning in a variety of contexts, which include agencies, 学校, and other settings where counselors provide professional services.

  • We value excellence in practice
  • We value diversity
  • We value professionalism

咨询领域 Faculty


Program Evaluation