


一年一度的“地球人权日”是一个为期一天的活动. 每年都会有一位主讲人与其他几位主讲人在一起, 互动工作坊, 以及其他各种各样的活动. 而以bc菠菜导航校园为中心, the programming represents the work of many individuals from both ISU and the Terre Haute community, 将涉及公立学校和大学的学生.



x-office-document.png HRD 2016展示桌预订表


  • “艺术遇上新闻”, the stories and photographs of 比尔福利" Pulitzer Prize winning Hoosier photojournalist 比尔福利 has spent decades capturing news and events in his remarkable photographs. 他的标志性照片揭示了政治的复杂性, 战争的悲剧, 以及人类精神的普遍性.
  • “生殖器 & 妇女赋权:土著安比拉人 & Alexandra McNichols-Torroledo说.
  • “共同前进运动:道德星期一” & 《bc菠菜导航》凯西·麦奎尔和拉尔夫·莱克.
  • “LGBT和变性人权利”Samuel Norvanis, an experienced investigator for the Indianapolis District EEOC office will provide an overview of recent litigation and expanded efforts to protect these rights.
  • “印第安纳州食品服务工人为摆脱贫困而奋斗”,——斯图尔特·莫拉, 主席Unite Here Local 23(印第安纳波利斯).
  • 科琳Yeakle, Coordinator of Prevention Initiatives for the Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence: "We All Belong Here: Promoting Social Inclusion to Prevent Violence".
  • 特雷·豪特警察侦探课上的色情短信.
  • Elonda欧文, Executive Director of Multicultural 服务 and Programs- "Keep It Real" an interactive game.
  • 大赦国际的欧内斯特·科弗森


欧内斯特·L. Coverson, 是美国国际特赦组织(AIUSA)的区域现场组织者, 他在哪里负责培训, organizing and mobilization of the 志愿者 member force within seven states.

During his days as a student Ernest found his passion in fighting for the rights of all human beings. He became active member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored 人 (NAACP), Detroit Youth Council and instrumental in reactivating the Ferris State NAACP University Chapter. Ernest was recognized by his fellow members for his leadership skills and was rewarded with various elected position within the organization including a seat on its National Board of Directors.

他花了超过15年的时间做志愿者 & professional) years working in domestic and international advocacy with expertise in political campaigning, 社会正义和社区组织.



艺术与新闻, the stories and photographs of 比尔福利" Pulitzer Prize winning Hoosier photojournalist 比尔福利 has spent decades capturing news and events in his remarkable photographs. 他的标志性照片揭示了政治的复杂性, 战争的悲剧, 以及人类精神的普遍性.



穆克什Kapila is a medical doctor, humanitarian expert, and international aid diplomat. 现为曼彻斯特大学教授, he has experience in over 130 countries serving in senior positions in the British government and at the United Nations, 世界卫生组织, 以及国际红十字会和红新月会联合会. His dealings with many dictators and despots across the world's premier trouble spots have led him to focus on the prevention of genocide and the other most horrible crimes against humanity, 作为宙斯盾信托的特别代表. 教授. Kapila was the Head of the UN in Sudan in 2003-2004 where he witnessed the genocide in Darfur.



拉尔夫硬粘土, 博士学位, 教授社会正义研究, 亚洲哲学, and the history of European ideas in the University 荣誉项目 at ISU. He is the former director of the Peace and Justice Studies Program at Marian University (Indianapolis) and has been a social activist and public intellectual for over 30 years. His interdisciplinary scholarship focuses on sociology, gender studies, and social philosophy. His books--Georg Simmel and Avant-Garde 社会学: The Birth of Modernity, 1880-1920 and Vita Sexualis: Karl Ulrichs and the Rise of Sexual Science--are available on Amazon.com.

凯茜·麦奎尔自60年代末以来一直是一名政治活动家. She worked for the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment in the ‘70’s and received one of Pres. Jimmy Carter’s famous phone calls to ordinary people and talked about the ERA with him. 当她住在伊利诺斯州尚佩恩时. 自从在特雷霍特, 她组织起来反对伊拉克战争, 并于2006年获得了特雷霍特全国有色人种协进会颁发的领袖奖. Currently she is on the steering committee of both the local Moral Mondays movement and IN Moral Mondays.



罗宾·莫顿, 特雷·霍特, 是生态正义白紫中心的副主任, 在圣玛丽森林的普罗维登斯修女会的事工, 她在哪里协调实习, 志愿者, 草药和养鸡项目.



哈里森Ndife is a member and representative 特雷·霍特 South Vigo High School S.T.A.N.D.是美国全国基督教联盟的一个地方分会.T.A.N.D. 种族灭绝意识和预防组织. 成立于2008年, this chapter has worked with 学生 Rebuild for the past 4 years to raise funds and awareness for victims of atrocities.


詹姆斯·里德(詹姆斯•里德)是bc菠菜导航大四学生. 他主修非洲和非裔美国人研究. 他来自芝加哥,计划回国和高中生一起工作. He has worked for Multicultural 服务 and Programs as a program coordinator and social media coordinator for the last two years.



亚历山德拉·托罗莱多是哥伦比亚裔美国艺术家, 作家, and photographer who has worked closely for the United Nations High Council for Refugees. Her publications touch on many areas of social justice and bridge the fields of artistic and documentary photography. Her current work focuses on globalization and threats to cultural diversity in Colombia. 自2011年以来, she has been documenting the crisis of forced displacement and confinement suffered by the Embera and Wounaan indigenous people in Colombia. 她的著作包括:《bc菠菜导航》(2010), a photographic re-enactment of massacres committed by Colombian paramilitary groups; Stone Faces (2008), multiethnic portraits; Encounters (2011), a story of love and eternity; and Dreams and Nightmares (2007), 对女性气质迷宫的探索.



The 印第安纳州住房和社区发展局 (IHCDA) and The Indiana Civil Rights Commission (ICRC) provide educational information and resources that are available to Hoosiers. 所提供的材料和信息符合自给自足的要求, 资产开发, 对自己权利的意识和教育, 以及整体生活质量. This presentation is driven by specific articles of Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Stuart Mora is an Organizer and the President of the Indiana Chapter of Unite Here Local 23. He got involved in the Union as a Food Service Worker in the Hyatt Regency Indianapolis and has been organizing to make low-wage service industry work into family-supporting, 过去7年以上的稳定工作.

Darien Pennybaker has been a food service worker in the Warren Township Schools in Indianapolis for the past 10 years. 在工作场所遭受了无数虐待之后, he and his co-workers rallied together to organize the union last year and recently won their first union contract. 在达连加入工会委员会的第二天,他的公司就解雇了他. Darien stood strong through tough times with his family and eventually won his job back! Darien looks forward to sharing his struggle and victory on with the ISU Community on 人权日.