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  • Graduate (MFA, MA) Application

    • Deadlines:    
      • March 1 for the following fall semester
      • October 15 for the following spring semester
  • Portfolio
    • Applicants for graduate study in the Department of Art and Design must submit quality digital images in either a singe Portable Document Format (.pdf) or PowerPoint (.ppt, .pptx) file, containing 15 different artworks made by the applicant. With each image applicants must submit caption information: (title, year(s) of making, materials, and dimensions (H x W x D in inches).
  • Letters of Recommendation
    • Applicants must include three academic or professional letters of recommendation
  • Statement of Intent
    • Applicants must submit a 500-word Statement of Intent as a .doc, .rtf or .pdf file, outlining the following:
      • the intended program of study (e.g. painting, ceramics)
      • the intended degree (MA or MFA) to be pursued
      • experience working in the intended discipline or medium
      • goals for graduate study in the ISU program
  • The Letters of Recommendation the Statement of Intent and a single Portable Document Format or PowerPoint file should have file names that include the applicant's last name, (for example, “johnson portfolio.ppt”) and sent via WeTransfer to
