
SGA 61st Administration-Group Photo


All executive authority of SGA is vested in the Executive Cabinet. The Executive Branch of SGA consists of the following: 

President: Nick Bement:

     - Email: isu-sgapres@mail.aibeshosts.net 

Vice President: Chase Pondel

     - Email: isu-sgavp@mail.aibeshosts.net

Chief of Staff: Grace Longyear

     - Email: isu-sgacs@mail.aibeshosts.net

Director of Academic Affairs: Kaylee Prewitt

     - Email: isu-sgadaa@mail.aibeshosts.net

Director of Student Engagement: Thomas Fralich

     - Email: isu-sgadse@mail.aibeshosts.net

Director of Finance: Julia Sonntag

     - Email: isu-sgadf@mail.aibeshosts.net

Director of Governmental Affairs: Anthony Rubinacci

     - Email: isu-sgadga@mail.aibeshosts.net

Director of Inclusive Excellence: Interim Chase Pondel

     - Email: isu-sgadie@mail.aibeshosts.net

Director of External Relations: Jillian Turner 

     - Email: isu-sgadpr@mail.aibeshosts.net

Director of Student Health and Wellness: Julia (Jules) Broerman

     - Email: isu-sgadhw@mail.aibeshosts.net

Director of Leadership: William (BJ) Hopton

     - Email: isu-sgadl@mail.aibeshosts.net

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HMSU, 621
Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 am-5:00 pm
Indiana State University