投资俱乐部: 免责声明

免责声明: Important Information


The mission of the Student Managed Investment Fund Consortium (SMIFC) is to provide a forum among member institutions to share Student Managed Investment Fund best practices in investment management and organization administration. Activities of the consortium will emphasize graduate and undergraduate student education, 研究, 和领导能力.

The SMIFC will organize a conference each year to provide networking opportunities for its members. 学生 will assist in the organization of the conference and will participate by presenting their practices in investment management and/or organization administration. Student 研究 and white papers will be maintained in the SMIFC resource archive. The conference will also spotlight a number of industry participants who will speak on topics of interest to its members. Opportunities exist for panel discussions of students, advisors, and industry partners.

The material presented on the SMIFC web site or during the annual conference is for educational purposes only and is not a 建议 or 背书 of any particular investment 或投资 strategy. Past performance does not indicate or guarantee future success. Returns will vary and all investments involve risks, including loss of principal.

SMIFC are not Financial Advisors or a Broker/Dealer

The SMIFC members are not licensed financial advisors, registered investment advisers, or registered broker-dealers. The SMIFC does not provide investment or financial advice or make investment 建议s, nor is it in the business of transacting trades, nor does it direct client commodity accounts or give commodity trading advice tailored to any particular client’s situation. Nothing contained in this communication constitutes a solicitation, 建议, 促销活动, 背书, or offer by the SMIFC members of any particular security, 事务, 或投资.



Coordinator and co-founder of the SMIF Consortium
投资俱乐部 Advisor
Scott College of Business
Federal Hall, Room 321
Indiana State University
30 N. 7日圣., Terre Haute, IN 47809

投资俱乐部 President

投资俱乐部 Vice President


