SMIFC: 2017 SMIFC演讲嘉宾



Mr. 韦斯伯里是First Trust Advisors的首席经济学家.P.这是一家总部位于伊利诺伊州惠顿的金融服务公司.

Mr. Wesbury was a member of the 学术 Advisory Council of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago from 1999-2007 and has been a regular attendee of the Economist Roundtable Luncheon at the Chicago Fed since 2007. 2012年,他被任命为乔治·W·布什基金会的成员. Bush Presidential Center in Dallas, TX where he worked closely with its 4%-Growth Project. 他的文章刊登在各种杂志上, 报纸和博客, 他经常出现在福克斯的节目中, 彭博, CNBC和BNN加拿大电视台.

In 1995 and 1996, he served as Chief Economist for the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. 国会. 《bc菠菜导航》 排名先生. 威斯伯里大学是全美排名第一的大学.S. 2001年经济预测员, 《bc菠菜导航》将他评为2004年全美十大预测家之一.

Mr. 韦斯伯里于1982年在芝加哥的哈里斯银行开始了他的职业生涯. Former positions include Vice President and Economist for the Chicago Corporation and Senior Vice President and Chief Economist for Griffin, Kubik, 史蒂芬斯, & 汤普森.

Mr. 威斯伯里收到了M.B.A. 从西北大学凯洛格管理研究生院毕业,并获得学士学位.A. 蒙大拿大学经济学学士学位. 麦格劳-希尔于1999年10月出版了他的第一本书《bc菠菜导航》. His most recent book, It’s Not As Bad As You Think, was published in November 2009 by John Wiley & 儿子.

2011年,奥巴马. 韦斯伯里获得了蒙大拿大学的杰出校友奖. 该奖项旨在表彰“为学校带来荣誉”的杰出校友, 国家:国家或民族.” There have been 267 recipients of this award out of a potential pool of 91,000 graduates.

Dr. 马哈茂德·米. 哈达德


马哈茂德•哈达德 is Professor of 金融 at 田纳西大学马丁分校. Dr. 哈达德只得了B.A. 和M.B.A. 在明尼苏达州立大学获得会计学博士学位.D. 阿拉巴马大学金融学硕士. 他曾在韦恩州立大学教授金融, 田纳西大学马丁分校, 阿拉巴马大学, 阿拉伯裔美国人大学-杰宁, 亚美尼亚美国大学, 贝鲁特美国大学, al - quds大学, 东密歇根大学和明尼苏达州立大学. He is also certified in e-teaching and learning and he has broad experience in distance and online teaching at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Dr. 哈达德 has published over 30 papers which have been published in leading refereed journals.

Dr. 哈达德 was the Financial and 会计 Manager at the American Family Insurance Co., 巴勒斯坦金融管理局研究执行主任, the Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs and Dean of College of Business and Financial Sciences at Arab American University, and a 研究 Scholar and Head of Economic and Social Studies Division at the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and 研究. He is the co-director of the UT Martin Tennessee Valley Authority Investment Challenge program and a UDAID 参观 Scholar. 阿拉伯国家经济研究论坛理事会, 伊朗, 土耳其授予博士学位. 哈达德是ERF研究员的终身会员.


维克多•琼斯维克多•琼斯是TD Ameritrade的交易和运营总监 where he oversees client education programs and their trading experience through the trading platforms. 他目前持有系列3、系列7和系列63 U.S. 行业许可证,以及新加坡IBF模块1B和6A. Mr. Jones has spoken at conferences across the United States and Southeast Asia on trading technology, 高概率交易方法, 零售执行技巧. 琼斯过去11年一直在金融服务业工作, 主要建立创新和屡获殊荣的交易工具. 在加入TD Ameritrade之前, he was responsible for the development of the active trader platforms at TD Ameritrade after working as a TD Ameritrade broker on the electronic execution desk.

兰德尔·K. 米纳斯,CFP


兰迪·米纳斯,注册会计师,Stifel投资总监, 擅长理财, 投资及退休计划, and issues surrounding 遗产规划; as well as municipal bonds.  He began investment industry career in 1976 and holds the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ (CFP®) professional certification, 系列4, 6, 7, 24, 63, 65个许可证, 人寿保险和可变保险执照. 

兰迪得了B.S. 他是bc菠菜导航管理学硕士,也是一名活跃的校友, 在大学董事会任职, bc菠菜导航基金会董事会和投资委员会.  他也是卡尔弗学院的垒球教练.

肖恩Sabau, CFP


肖恩Sabau, CFP®,Stifel投资高级副总裁, 在包括退休计划在内的各个领域有丰富的经验吗, 遗产规划, 保险规划, 负债管理, 个人理财规划, 以及投资组合构建. He also oversees the Team’s Investment Committee which is responsible for portfolio creation and analysis. He began his industry career in 1998 and holds the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) professional certification, 系列6, 7, 63, 66个许可证, 人寿保险和可变保险执照.

肖恩以B的成绩毕业于普渡大学.工商管理,辅修金融. He also completed the Certificate Program in 财务规划 at DePaul University. Shawn enjoys spending time with his family, and is actively involved in youth sports.


布里恩史密斯Brien N. Smith is the dean for the 斯科特商学院 at bc菠菜导航. Smith attained his PhD in industrial/organizational psychology in 1989 from Auburn University. He has over 25 years of administrative experience in higher education and has actively participated in university governance. Smith previously worked at Ball State University where he served a number of roles including associate dean, 市场营销与管理系主席, 也是商科研究生项目的主任.

bc菠菜导航, the college of business has experienced marked growth in undergraduate and graduate enrollments. Dean Smith has secured nearly 10 million dollars in grant funding for new and existing programs in the college. Under his direction the college developed the Student Managed Investment Consortium with over 30 university affiliates. The college continues to be recognized as a thought leader in insurance and risk management, 在华盛顿主持保险公共政策峰会, D.C. 每年. 史密斯在学术论文集和期刊上发表了许多文章, including many of the most highly acclaimed journals in his field: Journal of Applied Psychology, 欧洲运筹学杂志, 商业与心理学杂志, 《bc菠菜导航》. He has delivered presentations and speeches at national and international conferences.

Dr. 史密斯对心理学在工作场所的应用有着浓厚的兴趣, 很大程度上借鉴了他的组织心理学背景. 他2004年的文章, “Transformational and Servant Leadership: Content and Contextual Comparisons” in the Journal of Leadership and 组织al Studies has been cited hundreds of times in journal articles, 期刊, 和书籍.


Tarek查希尔Tarek查希尔是bc菠菜导航的金融学教授. He has also held a number of professional positions with the industry and provided consulting services to a number of international institutions including the World Bank, 密歇根大学威廉·戴维森研究所, and the Academy for Educational Development in the United States and the Ministry of Work in Dubai. He has also offered a number of seminars in investment and international financial management at a number of institutions around the world.

Dr. Zaher是bc菠菜导航投资俱乐部的主管. He also manages and supervises other international portfolios for individuals and institutions. Dr. Zaher’s research has been published in numerous prestigious professional and scholarly journals, including the Journal of Financial 研究 and Journal of Banking and 金融. Dr. Zaher received three research awards from professional conferences and one research certificate of excellence. He was also recognized by the 斯科特商学院 as the winner of the faculty research award in 2002 and the winner of the exemplary service award in 2004.
