


bc菠菜导航's Public 安全 uses the below form to reserve room spaces. 请使用下面的表格.

bc菠菜导航 Police 部门 offers free bicycle registration to university students, 教职员工. 登记你的自行车, complete the form and bring it along with your bike to the ISU Police 部门.  

bc菠菜导航公共安全部门有一个失物招领项目. 下面是寻找遗失物品的链接.


The RAD program at ISU is a free twelve hour class that may be broken down into two or more sessions. 最后一晚被称为“模拟之夜”. 学生 participate in a simulated attack, in an effort to reinforce the skills they have learned. Protective gear is provided and all simulations are monitored by trained RAD Instructors.


Lt. 大卫·史密斯(教练)812-237-4016, 大卫.Smith@aibeshosts.net

Sgt. 杰奎琳·史密斯(教练)812-237-5555, 杰奎琳·.Smith@aibeshosts.net

The RAD System is a program of realistic, self-defense tactics and techniques. The RAD system is a comprehensive course for women that begins with awareness, 预防, 减少和避免风险, 同时进行基本的动手防御训练. RAD不是武术课程. 我们的课程由注册RAD教官,Lt. 大卫·史密斯和中士. 杰奎琳·史密斯. 工作簿/参考手册, which outlines the entire physical defense program for reference and continuous personal growth, 是免费提供的.

The RAD System of physical defense is currently being taught at many colleges and universities. 日益增长的, 这个系统被广泛接受的主要原因是它的易用性, 我们的战术简单有效. 扎实的研究,法律的辩护和独特的教学方法. The Rape Aggression Defense System is dedicated to teaching women defensive concepts and techniques against various types of assault, 通过使用easy, 有效和证明自卫/武术战术.

The RAD System of realistic defense will provide a woman with the knowledge to make an educated decision about resistance. RAD Systems operate on the premise that a spontaneous violent attack will stimulate a natural desire to resist, 受害者一方(有研究支持). 我们教育女性“逃跑或战斗综合症”, while showing them that enhancing their option of physical defense is not only prudent, 但如果自然抵抗要有效,这是必要的.

安全 and survival in today's world requires a definite course of action. We provide effective options by teaching women to take an active role in their own self-defense and psychological well being.


The 蓝光电话 System provides a direct link to the Public 安全 部门 and to 911 services. 在紧急情况下应使用“按下求助”按钮. “信息”按钮应用于非紧急情况, 比如护送请求, 电池跳转请求, 汽车工厂关闭, 并报告小事故. 有关蓝光电话系统的更多信息, 联系大学警察,电话:(812)237-5555.


ISU警察调度- (812)237-5555

紧急情况- 911

When reporting a crime provide the communications officer with as much information as possible, 如:

  • 事件发生的地点
  • a description of people involved: hair color, height, and clothing description
  • 有关车辆的描述:颜色,型号,损坏情况

It is the mission of the ISU Police 通信部门 to serve as a link between the campus community and the University regarding public safety and emergency assistance. The Communications Center is staffed 24 hours a day seven days a week by certified Law Enforcement Communications Officers, trained by the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy and Vigo County 911 Office.

Communications Officers are responsible for answering calls for police, 火, 紧急医疗服务, 维修及护送服务. 他们监视火灾, 入侵, emergency and maintenance alarms and dispatch the appropriate people needed to correct those situations when they occur.

The blue light phone system provides a direct link to the ISU Police and 911 services. The Communications Center serves as the primary monitoring station for that system. 还有电话系统, video cameras have been installed to increase security in the parking lots.

The Communications Center is equipped with the latest technology to efficiently serve the University community.

通讯中心是来帮你的. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our staff.


bc菠菜导航 has elected to refer all Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)/Drones inquiries to the ISU Public 安全 部门.

A request to operate UAVs on property owned or controlled by ISU by anyone not affiliated with an academic mission or sponsorship of the University, 会有以下指引:

一旦授予, ISU Public 安全 may make campus notifications through ISU Connect 电子邮件 delivery and or “ISU Today” Announcements

Violators of this procedure may be subject to trespass or referral to the university disciplinary process.

  • The ISU Public 安全 部门 is charged with granting or denying approval for the operation of UAVs on the property of ISU.

  • Requests must be made at least 2 business day prior to the operation of the UAVs.

  • Requests are to be made through the Office of the Chief at 812-237-7829 or to the Operations Captain at 812-237-4015.

  • All UAVs must be flown in accordance with state statute and current FAA regulations including licensing and registrations.

  • Specific and written dates/times will be supplied to the Public 安全 部门 at least 2 business day prior to all flying sessions.

  • 无人机的飞行将被限制在白天.

  • 在宿舍附近飞行, Classroom Buildings or indoors is restricted and must be specifically approved.

  • Any operation of UAVs indoors must be subject to and in accordance with individual facility use protocols.  应该通知建筑协调员.

  • Blanket approvals for academic and University sponsorship requests are available through the ISU Public 安全 部门.

    All flight operators will wear reflective vests during flight operations.

    适用于所有飞行操作, it will be the responsibility of the UAV flight operators to gain permission for use of specific University owned locations from property managers.


  • The 无人机飞行申请表格 can be found by clicking the following link 无人机飞行申请表格

