
The information listed below should be reviewed before applying for ISU 在线 programs. For further information regarding out of bc菠菜导航 admissions to bc菠菜导航在线, visit 程序的可用性.

The information listed below should be reviewed before applying for ISU 在线 programs. For further information regarding out of bc菠菜导航 admissions to bc菠菜导航在线, visit 程序的可用性.

Note: 学生 who have complaints that cannot be resolved through Indiana State University’s process and cannot be resolved with the student’s home bc菠菜导航 agency should read and follow 这些指令.


State authorization to provide a program related to the preparation of teachers or other P-12 school/system personnel does not indicate eligibility for an Alabama certificate. Applicants for an Alabama certificate based on reciprocity must meet Alabama's test requirements and submit a valid, renewable professional educator certificate/license issued by another bc菠菜导航 at the degree level, 年级水平, and in the teaching field or area of instructional support for which an Alabama certificate is sought and for which Alabama issues a certificate. Applicants for Alabama certification in an area of administration must also document at least three years of full-time employment as an administrator in a P-12 school system(s). www.alsde.edu


Not all of the online programs offered by our institution have been approved in Kentucky. 请查看 Council on Postsecondary Education's website to view its listing of approved programs. For more information, please contact the Council on Postsecondary Education, 1024 Capital Center Dr., Suite 320, Frankfort, KY 40601.

Please be advised that our educator preparation programs are NOT accredited in Kentucky by the Education Professional Standards Board and are NOT recognized for initial, 额外的, or renewal of certification or salary enhancement (rank change) for K-12 educators in Kentucky. For more information, please visit the Education Professional Standards Board's website.


Indiana State University is in compliance with the requirements of the Education Article, 第二章, 副标题2, Annotated Code of Maryland and COMAR 13B.05.01. Policies 和 process for Maryland students to submit complaints are found at www.indbc菠菜导航.edu/sci. Complaints also should be directed to: Maryland Attorney General, Consumer Protection Division, 200 St. 保罗圣.马里兰州巴尔的摩21202. Phone: (410) 528-8662 or toll free: (888) 743-0823.


Residents of South Carolina may access a 投诉表格 through the website of the Commission on Higher Education.

The form must be completed, signed, and notarized. It may be submitted with the required documentation to reshleman@che.sc.政府 or sent to Nonpublic Institution Licensing, South Carolina Commission on Higher Education, 夫人街1122号., Suite 300, Columbia, SC 29201.


For distance students in Texas any complaints or grievances should be filed with Indiana State University in accordance with published procedures and should also be filed under Title 19 of the Texas Administrative Code, Sections 1.110 – 1.120Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board's Student Complaint page. Complaints also should be submitted to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board at studentcomplaints@thecb.bc菠菜导航.tx.us

ISU is not regulated by the Texas Workforce Commission under Chapter 132 of the Texas Education Code.  ISU is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission.  The Higher Learning Commission may be contacted at: http://www.hlcommission.org/HLC-Institutions/complaints.html


For distance students in Utah any complaints should be filed with Indiana State University in accordance with published procedures and may also be filed with the Utah Division of Consumer Protection at consumerprotection@utah.政府 or mailed to: Utah Division of Consumer Protection, 160 E. 300 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84111.