
Friday, July 29, 2022 - 12:10

Whether you majored in philosophy or photography, 多年来,文科学位的价值一直是争论的话题. 

Though liberal arts majors are considered non-technical, 毕业于这些跨学科领域的学生拥有在商业上取得成功所需的所有可转移技能. In fact, 拥有非商业学位的个人提供了多样化的技能,可以使所有行业的商业组织受益. 文科bc菠菜导航的学生也非常适合mini和 traditional 工商管理硕士s.


  • 批判性思维和沟通技巧是文科学位的基础

From English to social sciences, 标准的文科课程教导学生批判性地思考问题, and form and communicate their own evidence-based solutions. 这种形式的分析思维不仅适用于阅读和写作, but it also sets individuals up for success in business. Whether consulting for a firm, managing projects, or working with others, 批判性思维是成功商业人士的基本技能. 文科毕业生除了口头和书面沟通能力外,还拥有丰富的实践经验. 


In fact, the New York Times recently published an article 声称文科学生知道“如何思考”,并将“超越同龄人”,” given the foundational skills they possess over STEM disciplines.

瑞利·里多是莱斯大学职业发展部副主任,也是一名职业顾问,帮助学生确定毕业后的下一步. She believes liberal arts graduates can make critical contributions in business environments.

“文科生完全有能力攻读mba和从事商业方面的职业. 这些学位提供口头和书面沟通技巧以及促进分析思维的创造性思维. 文科毕业生是独一无二的,可以真正支持一个公司,”里多说.

拥有德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的文学学士学位, 雷切尔·雷尼尔(Rachel Renier)最近完成了一个迷你mba课程,然后才考虑传统的两年制课程. As Sales and Account manager at Status Labs, Renier didn’t realize how many business skills she already had, and the additional business acumen she gained in her mini-工商管理硕士 program quickly led to a promotion. 

Renier 说, “我不认为自己会成为商科课程的好候选人, 我甚至没有想到,以外部业务角色与客户沟通会是我擅长的事情. But now in my current role, 我必须定期与高管个人和团队沟通,以销售和管理项目. 我的迷你mba帮助我练习了商业技能,这些技能让我在新的岗位上取得了成功.”

  • 协作和团队合作在文科课程中得到了实践,并且仍然是工作场所最受欢迎的技能之一

特定行业的知识和技术技能很快就会过时, 但团队合作和协作在工作场所总是受到重视的. 良好的团队合作能力通常是通过实习来锻炼的——在企业环境中工作以及与其他bc菠菜导航人士的互动对毕业后的成功是无价的, especially in business.

But even before junior or senior year internships, 文科学生通过创意项目练习合作, human behavior studies, research assignments, and more, giving them a leg-up in business. Graduates are also accustomed to giving and receiving feedback, another desirable trait for hiring managers.

Lynn Pasquerella, a contributor to the Harvard Business Review, wrote, “80%的雇主同意所有学生都需要在文科和理科方面打下坚实的基础. Indeed, in the global knowledge economy, employer demand for graduates with a liberal education is growing.”

Arguably, the demand has increased recently because the awareness of soft and transferable skills has increased; not because liberal arts degrees suddenly teach more applicable business skills. 文科毕业生总是为在商业上取得成功做好准备, 公司终于在他们的招聘实践中实现了这一点.

  • 跨学科的文科学位鼓励思想和方法的多样性

McKinsey & 公司最近将新冠疫情后的商业世界称为“创新危机”.“在大流行期间,世界各地的公司被迫以不同的方式开展业务并取得成功, 他们必须在2022年及以后继续优先考虑思想多样性和创新.

文科毕业生为工作场所带来了思想的多样性. Contrary to their STEM peers, 创意bc菠菜导航的学生习惯于从不同的角度解决问题,并将实验性的想法带入生活. This translates well in business.

Andrew Tessmer, 持牌bc菠菜导航咨询师,拥有超过八年的职业发展经验, 说, “我们有跨社会科学的跨学科学位计划, humanities, natural sciences, creative arts, and often foreign languages, 文科毕业生在商业环境中茁壮成长,因为他们在学习期间广泛接触到各种分析性解决问题的策略. Interpersonal communication, 写作, collaborative project management, 以及创意创造也是在工商管理硕士项目中茁壮成长的必要技能.”

Whether you studied mathematics or American History, 迷你mba是获得商业成功或攻读全日制商业课程所需的敏锐度和金融知识的好方法. 要了解更多关于如何通过邀请工商管理硕士加速您的商业生涯,请点击 在这里.

Katelyn Powell is a social media and content strategist, lifelong learner, and career development enthusiast living in Houston, 德州. 她热衷于平等的受教育机会和牛津逗号. When she’s not 写作 or binge-reading true crime, 她喜欢在下午小睡,并为德克萨斯州的新娘提供婚礼摄影服务.

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